Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016

Christmas is for singing. How about something different than the "Let It Snow" sentimental variety? Consider Elizabeth's song in the Bible - sometimes called the Beatitude (Luke 1:42-45). Or Mary's song - the Magnificat (verses 46-55). Or the angel's announcement to the shepherds (Luke 2:10-12), followed by the Gloria of the angel chorus (2:14). If your Christmas this year is tinged with media marketing overload, stress, cynicism, sadness, or loss perhaps taking a moment or two to sing a song of praise and hope will center your heart in Christmas. Verses can be read at
Query: What is your favorite Christmas hymn? Do you sing it often in a spirit of worship and praise?
Muriel Fish serves as church librarian, and she is a student in the American Baptist Churches of Maine Institute for Ministry (AIM). She lives on Fishbone Farm with her husband and 3 hens. When she's not collecting eggs, she's reading, studying, or writing.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Each year, during some quiet moment in this season of Thanksgiving, I like to number a sheet of blank paper 1-my current age. Then I list everything I'm grateful for in my life, my church, my community, and the world. This exercise quickly silences any murmuring and complaining I may be tempted to do.

This exercise works well with children and teenagers in Sunday School classes too.

I thank you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will sing your praise. Psalm 138:1.

Query: What are you grateful for this year?

Muriel Fish serves as church librarian, Superintendent of Sunday School, and she is a student in the American Baptist Churches of Maine Institute for Ministry (AIM). She lives on Fishbone Farm with her husband and 3 hens. When she's not collecting eggs, she's studying or teaching public speaking and writing courses at Thomas College.

Monday, November 7, 2016

November's Book of the Month

Beginner's Grace, Bringing Prayer into Your Life, by Kate Braestrup, offers fresh approaches to your prayer life. Includes an "Appendix of Prayers" for many occasions.

Query: How often do you pray? What might you do to enrich your prayer time?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Crayon Initiative Update

We're happy to report that we collected 12.3 lbs. of crayons for the Crayon Initiative! A big thank you to members of our congregation who donated crayons, the Smithfield Town Office, and the Franklin-Somerset Federal Credit Union whose members donated crayons as well.

The used crayons will be sorted by color, melted down, and made into new ones. Children in hospitals and cancer treatment centers will receive the crayons, so they can create art while undergoing treatment. Win-win.

For more information visit

October's Book of the Month

Joan Chittister reflects on the importance of the feasts and seasons of the Christian calendar in The Liturgical Year.

Query: What seasons and feasts do you celebrate with your congregation, family, and friends? How do you celebrate? What makes these celebrations meaningful for you?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September's Book of the Month

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W., includes ten guideposts for engaging with the world from a place of worthiness.

Query: How do you engage with the world?

Monday, August 8, 2016

August's Book of the Month

Speaking of Faith, Why Religion Matters and How to Talk About It by Krista Tippett, explores complex subjects like science, love, virtue, and violence within the context of spirituality and everyday life.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July's Book of the Month

Appropriate for all denominations, The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis is a heartfelt collection of his insights regarding mercy, service, and renewal within our churches today.

Query: Interfaith reading is a valuable way to learn about our Christian brothers and sisters. What books do you recommend?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June's Book of the Month

Rhyming verse, colorful illustrations, and the non-preachy text in My Spiritual Alphabet Book by Holly Bea introduces children of all faiths to their spiritual world. Recommended for children ages 3-7.
This book would make a great baby shower gift too! 
Query: What books do you share with children? 

Monday, May 9, 2016

We're Collecting Crayons!

This summer we're collecting new and used crayons for The Crayon Initiative. The following information is copied from their website: 

What We Do
The Crayon Initiative organizes crayon collections that take unwanted crayons, remanufactures them, and provides them to hospitals that are caring for our kids. Hospital arts' programs provide in-hospital entertainment and learning programs. During a hospital stay, it's important for children to continue normal childhood development and skills building and to keep life as close to "normal" as possible for them. Art helps hospitalized children by alleviating anxiety, providing psychological support, and offering creative outlets for self-expression. Childrens' arts programs also enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and promote creativity and imagination. Children can escape into a world of fantasy penned by their own imagination just by using crayons.

The wax from crayons is not biodegradable and will never break down, leaving a waxy sludge in our landfills for centuries to come. The Crayon Initiative supports environmental efforts by diverting crayons from the landfills. Annually, over 500,000 pounds of broken crayons are discarded in landfills throughout the country. By collecting unwanted crayons from restaurants, schools, as well as other locations, and recycling them into new ones, The Crayon Initiative is doing our part to prevent crayons from depositing in the landfill.

This is a great project for churches and/or Sunday School classes. You can access more information and request collection boxes (free) on The Crayon Initiative's website:

May's Book of the Month

Jesus, An Illustrated Life, by Jean-Pierre Isbouts, is based on the latest archaeological and literary research and vividly reconstructs the life and times of Jesus.

Query: How do you envision Biblical times? While studying God's Word try inserting yourself into the scene and imagine what you might smell, hear, taste, see, touch, feel, or do.

Monday, April 18, 2016

American Baptist Women's Ministries of Maine

On Saturday, April 16, our church hosted the Kennebec Association's annual spring meeting. Approximately twenty women joined together for a morning of prayer, singing, fellowship, tending to association business, and concluded with a bag lunch and silent auction. Coffee, juice, snacks, and desserts were provided by church members.

Sherri Cates, the guest speaker, shared a video and details of her recent medical missionary trip to the Dominican Republic. Inspiring!

Olive Corson played the piano. Special music (and lighthearted jokes) were provided by Roxanne Blaisdell.

The Kennebec Association's autumn meeting will be held September 24, 2016, at the Litchfield Plains Baptist Church. All are welcome.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Lent and Easter Happenings at Smithfield Baptist

Fun and Fellowship in Lent and Easter:

Friday, March 18th ~ 6:30 p.m. ~ Concert, featuring Christian music by Running Behind, 
                                    and light refreshments at the Norridgewock Congregational Church.

March 25th ~ Good Friday Service ~ Smithfield Baptist Church at 7 p.m.,
                                                refreshments after the service.
                       This is our traditional Good Friday gathering joining forces with pastors and                                                         choirs and cooks from several area churches.

March 27th ~ Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast ~ 6 a.m. 
                               Service prepared by the Sunday School Superintendent.
                               Breakfast prepared by the gentlemen of the congregation.

                    ~ Easter Worship Service ~ 10 a.m.

Speaking of Signs

If you have driven by the church recently you may have noticed that there is no sign out front. 
We removed the old sign last fall in anticipation of a new one being installed and to enable "our crew" to refurbish the siding around the entry.
We do have the spiffy new sign sitting in the downstairs entry patiently waiting for its foundation to be completed. 

Here's what the new sign looks like.

New Library Sign

In the last few years our church library has been repainted and reorganized and a new bathroom created in one corner. Recently a member of our congregation painted a sign for the door. Thanks to all involved in all the updates.

Monday, February 29, 2016

March Book of the Month

Tired? Overwhelmed with too much to do? Rest Assured: A Recovery Plan for Weary Souls by Vicki Courtney offers Christian insights and practical ideas for reclaiming your time and relationship with God.
Query: What task can you delete from your to-do list today, so you can spend a few minutes reading God's Word?  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lent Bowling

A bunch of us joined the gang from Norridgewock Congregational last weekend for a couple hours of fun and food at the bowling alley. Slide show below.

Monday, February 8, 2016

February's Book of the Month

"Christ must increase, and I must decrease," the apostle John declared, and his words resonate throughout the anthology Bread and Wine, Readings for Lent and Easter, a gathering of reflections from a wide spectrum of classic and contemporary Christian writers.

Query: What is your favorite resource for Lenten reading, study, and reflection?

Friday, February 5, 2016

Upcoming Events at SBC

Fun and Fellowship in Lent:
February 10th, 7 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service at
                            Norridgewock Congregational Church.
February 20th, 12 p.m., Bowling at Ken's in Skowhegan. 
         Special price $40.00 per lane (7 people), 2 hours of bowling,
                   includes lunch and refreshment.
          Note: A great time had by all. Wanting to do it again. :-)

Friday, February 26th ~ 6 p.m. ~ Christian Movie/Pot Luck (sandwich supper) at SBC

Saturday, March ??? - date to be determined, original date will not work for the band
       ~ 4 p.m. Band Concert featuring Christian music and light refreshments at NCC

March 25th Good Friday Service ~ SBC 7 p.m., refreshments following the service.

March 27th ~ Easter Sunday
          Sunrise Service at 6 a.m. followed by breakfast prepared by the men of the church.
          Worship Service at 10 a.m.

Sermon Texts Gone Away

February 5, 2016 - It has become apparent to us that the online service that we were using to link to the sermon texts is no longer providing that service and the files have been deleted. We are working on another method to share Bert's sermons with our blog audience. Stay tuned.
We figured out a different way to link to the sermon texts. Most of the sermons from May 17th through October 25th of 2015 are now available. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

January's Book of the Month

The Jesus Habits: Exercising the Spiritual Disciplines by Jay Dennis presents the disciplines that shaped Jesus' life. Each chapter explains a specific habit and offers tips on how to implement it into your daily life. Examples: prayer, worship, solitude, and rest.

Query: What books do you plan to read in 2016?