Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday School

Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8 NIV

Sunday School is back in session on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and open to all. The adult class is continuing our study of Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life. We've spent the past two weeks getting back into the rhythm of rising early, wiping the sleep from our eyes and minds, and gathering together for study and fellowship.

Getting up early is worth the effort. Seated elbow to elbow around the library's table, books open before us, we share our faith, successes, failures, struggles, fears, and doubts. Everyone has a voice; everyone is heard. We request prayers when prayers are needed. We laugh - a lot. Now that chilly weather is in our midst, the furnace ticks on and off as a musical backdrop to our discussions while we delve into God's Word. We learn and grow in Christian understanding and carry our lessons out into the world.

Query: What steps might you take this week in order to attend Sunday School or a Bible study at your church? 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Kennebec Association Meeting

The autumn meeting of the American Baptist Women Ministries of Maine - Kennebec Association - was hosted Saturday at the First Baptist Church in Gardiner. Registration opened at 8:30. After coffee and snacks, the association's president, Janet Kane, provided a warm welcome and devotion for the twenty-five women gathered together for the day's activities.

The morning's program included two guest speakers who shared slides of their recent pilgrimage trip to the Holy Land. Next, the business portion of the meeting ensued. After a brown bag lunch and a yummy dessert provided by the host church, a silent auction brought the day to a heartfelt close.

Association meetings enrich the life of the church. The meetings provide opportunities for prayer, fellowship, singing, and networking. Each represented church has a chance to share what their congregation has been doing for fundraising events and to serve their community.

Our church will host the spring meeting on Saturday, April 16, 2016. Let's work together to offer our sister churches in central Maine a pleasant, prayerful welcome.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Praying for Others

Daily prayer is crucial to our walk with the Lord. At times, I struggle with how to pray for others as though there is a right way and a wrong way. Who am I to question God's will for another's life journey? Over time I've discerned that there isn't one way or time or place to pray that is better than others. The important thing is to pray, and God will understand (and forgive) my fumblings and bumblings over words.

Recently, I discovered in an online BTS newsletter the following prayer written by the writer Beth McLendon. Perhaps her words will inspire your prayer time as they have mine.

Prayer for a Friend

Wondrous Lord,
I pray for my friend, (name).
Lord, strengthen that which needs strengthening.
Heal that which needs healing.
Renew that which needs renewing.
Motivate that which needs motivating.
Bring peace to that which needs peace.
And Lord, I ask that you would
Draw my friend into a new depth of joy and intimacy with you. Amen.
                                                                       Copyright 2015 Beth McLendon

Enjoy Beth's inspirational prayers at her blog

Muriel Fish serves as church librarian and lives on Fishbone Farm with her husband, four hens, and one spoiled tabby cat. When she's not collecting eggs, she teaches public speaking and writing courses at Thomas College.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September's Book of the Month

As the new church librarian, beginning with September, each month I'm choosing a book from our library's collection to feature in the church bulletin. September's choice is the Bible. It is the all-time bestseller with more than 2 billion copies sold. There are many translations and Bible study resources available in the church library. Regularly reading and studying God's Word illustrates who He is, what He teaches, and provides support, inspiration, and guidance for everyday life. The Bible is also a splendid collection of biographies, stories, maps, poetry, songs, letters, proverbs, and parables to be savored and shared with others. The Bible has inspired ideas, theories, debates, philosophy, and theology more than any other book or collection of books.

Muriel Fish serves as church librarian and lives on Fishbone Farm with her husband, four hens, and one spoiled tabby cat. When she's not collecting eggs, she teaches public speaking and writing courses at Thomas College.