Monday, August 31, 2015

Church Suppers

The final church supper of this summer's season topped off the day Saturday night. We arrived with hungry bellies anticipating baked beans, potato salad, and blueberry pie. For $6 a plate, we would eat our fill of country fare often prepared from family recipes handed down through generations of homemakers. Sunshine had warmed the afternoon, and the cool dining room soothed our bare arms and legs. New and familiar faces graced the tables. After a welcoming prayer of thanksgiving, we stood in line to serve ourselves.

In a culture that often fosters isolation with workplace cubicles, faces hidden behind computer screens, and distracting gadgets and telephones that claim our attention, church suppers provide an opportunity to lead us away from all that and into community. We connect with people beyond the pew and share smiles and hellos and handshakes. We pass the salt & pepper and chat about the weather. We break bread together like Jesus and his Disciples and it is good.

Query for prayer and reflection: As Christians, how do we navigate the narrow line between entertaining - which showcases ourselves - and hospitality which focuses on the needs of others whether it be nourishing food or a listening ear?

Muriel Fish serves as church librarian and lives on Fishbone Farm with her husband, four hens, and one spoiled tabby cat. When she's not collecting eggs, she teaches public speaking and writing courses at Thomas College.

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