Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016

Christmas is for singing. How about something different than the "Let It Snow" sentimental variety? Consider Elizabeth's song in the Bible - sometimes called the Beatitude (Luke 1:42-45). Or Mary's song - the Magnificat (verses 46-55). Or the angel's announcement to the shepherds (Luke 2:10-12), followed by the Gloria of the angel chorus (2:14). If your Christmas this year is tinged with media marketing overload, stress, cynicism, sadness, or loss perhaps taking a moment or two to sing a song of praise and hope will center your heart in Christmas. Verses can be read at
Query: What is your favorite Christmas hymn? Do you sing it often in a spirit of worship and praise?
Muriel Fish serves as church librarian, and she is a student in the American Baptist Churches of Maine Institute for Ministry (AIM). She lives on Fishbone Farm with her husband and 3 hens. When she's not collecting eggs, she's reading, studying, or writing.