Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Check the Music at SBC page for all the Christmas Eve videos

Lenten Study Series - 2013 Edition

Lent Begins February 13th. I am inviting you to share a series of Lenten Prayer and Study meetings, on Wednesday evenings here at the church at 7 p.m.  Our focus will be “How to make peace in a divided world.”  Wednesday Meetings will begin February 20th and run through March 20th.  One meeting will  be shared with Norridgewock Congregational Church at their church. 
 Topics and speakers TBA.

Above is Bert's blurb in the bulletin regarding our Lenten Study Series for this year. As "God-incidence" would have it his ideas are closely connected to Krista Tippett's work in the Civil Conversations Project mentioned in the post below about her On Being radio show and web site.

On Being

In case you haven't discovered it yet, there is a wonderful program on public radio called On Being. The host is Krista Tippett and the show basically is  radio conversations about the spiritual and intellectual content of faith . She also has a website (click on the italicized words to link to it) where she posts information about each show as well as resources related to each conversation and podcasts of each show in case you miss it on the air. Be sure to check out her bio in the About tab. I learned about her work last fall when MPBN aired the second season of her Civil Conversations Project and was thrilled when MPBN decided recently to put the show in their lineup (at 6:00 a.m. on Sundays which, while not a good time for many, is perfect for me). You may want to check out the link to the CCP project, both seasons one and two.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Additions to Sermon Archive

The Chief Blogger has just been on a tear getting more of Bert's messages linked to the blog. Check them out on the Sermons page. Still working on photo collections and videos from Christmas Eve. :-)