Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Ceiling is Done . . .

. . . just in time for the first summer supper (Saturday night, 26th, 5:30). Was anyone worried? Photos to follow when the archivist gets a few hours to spare.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mark your calendar for SBC Summer Music Specials

Details later.

June 24th ~ Sonny Perry and fellow musicians

July 22nd ~ The Hyssongs ~ Dell, Susan, and Richard

Summer Supper Schedule

All suppers are pot luck (beans, casseroles, salads, breads) with a variety of pies for dessert. Serving commences at 5:30 and early arrival is recommended. $6 for adults, $3 for under 12. Drawing for a free supper at every meal.

May 26 ~ June 9 ~ June 23 ~ July 7 ~ July 21 ~ August 4 ~ August 18 ~ September 1

[Rated by many patrons as the best public supper for miles around!]

Sundae Sunday Right Around the Corner

Annual Sunday School Celebration, is coming right up on May 20th. Join us to celebrate another great year of Sunday School with recognition of attendees and helpers during the service, special music by the chime and vocal choirs, and the annual barbeque luncheon following the service topped off by make-your-own ice cream sundaes, hence the moniker "Sundae Sunday."

Mother's Day Special at SBC

Invite any and all of the mothers in your life for a special service on May 13th, 2012. Pastor Bert promises flowers for all and light refreshments after the 10:00 a.m. service.